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Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Yet few homeowners are covered. Don’t be caught unprepared. It is important to protect yourself from financial ruin from an unforeseeable accident. Let We Insure present you with a coverage option that best meets your needs.
Am I covered?
Many people believe flood insurance is covered under their homeowner policy. The fact is, your homeowner insurance policy DOES NOT cover flood damage, it is a separate coverage. It is regulated by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and is provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
For whatever reason, if a homeowner finds out their home is in a “Preferred” low to moderate risk area, they generally do not purchase flood insurance. They assume they are safe from a loss.
Consider this…
Nearly 25% of the National Flood Insurance Program’s claims come from people with property in “preferred” low to moderate risk areas, according to federal estimates.
FEMA has designated the entire State of Florida as a flood zone with varying levels of risk. Just because your property is located in a “Preferred” low to moderate risk area does not mean you should exclude flood insurance coverage.

What is covered?

Claims are settled using replacement cost coverage (no deduction for depreciation) if you’re insuring a single-family home that is your primary residence and you purchase coverage of at least 80% of the replacement cost of the subject building, but no more than the maximum ($250,000) amount of insurance coverage available under the NFIP.
Claims are settled using actual cash value (cost to replace your damaged property, reduced by an allowance for depreciation).
Newly issued flood policies carry a 30-day waiting period, so do not wait for the next storm to purchase your policy.

The bottom line:
If you live in Florida, you should purchase a flood insurance policy.
We have all heard the stories
In May 2015, a Texas storm caused severe flooding. Mark Hanna, spokesman for the Insurance Council of Texas, which represents 500 insurance companies said: “I think less than half of the homeowners affected had flood insurance.”
Or consider Hurricane Joaquin in South Carolina and what has been described as an historic flood. “Just 10 percent of homeowners in South Carolina, which has suffered a historic deluge, carry flood insurance.” said Russ Dubisky, executive director of the industry-funded South Carolina Insurance News Service.
The stories were the same after the widespread flooding associated with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Mississippi floods of 2011 and Hurricane Irene and superstorm Sandy in 2012. Thousands of homeowners had no flood coverage resulting in severe financial losses to these homeowners.

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